100 Item ChallengeThe 100 item challenge is a challenge created by Dave Bruno. The challenge consists of getting rid almost everything you own, and live with only 100 items for a year. Because of the time limit, I was not able to go a full year, but I was able to live like this for over a month. Through this I also had to go through the process of getting rid of almost everything I owned. My results are below, as well as a final list of everything I own.
My 100 Item Experience:
- The Process:
- Note: I used the Konmari Method* from the book The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up to clean out my belongings.
- It took me a good few months to declutter, but my final count was 100 items (see full list below).
- During this process it became clear that I wasn't going to get down to exactly 100 things because there were some things I could not part with. So, I put those extra things (maybe 100 additional items) In the closet, and decided not to live with them.
- I have not been using my closet. It is just storage for the extra stuff, so really I probably still own around 200 Items, but I did not feel it necessary to get rid of everything as long as I made sure not to go reaching for something in my closet.
- I had to set some guidelines, Like Dave Bruno did. Obviously I was not going to count every shoe and shoe lace separately!
- Pairs = 1 item - Things like a pair of shoes, socks, or earrings counted as one item. I also did not count items like shoe laces and shoes separately.
- Pets = Not counted- Most people that take this challenge do not have pets, but I do. So I decided for this challenge I will not count my pets and their supplies, because there is no way I can get rid of them for the challenge. I also included the few plants I owned in this count, because the plants are for a future pet cage.
- Food items = Not counted- Another guideline I set was with pet food. I did not count the separate food containers or the frozen mice (snake food) as items. I did not think that would make sense since food items are constantly being used and replaced.
- Sentimental box = 1 item - I keep a small box in my room for those sentimental things I just cannot get rid of. If I was to count everything in that box, I would reach 100 items on its own with all the old school papers and trinkets. So I counted the box as one item, and made the decision that I could keep as many sentimental items as I wanted. They just had to fit in that shoe box sized container.
- Medical supplies = Not in count. Due to a number of medical conditions I have a lot of medical supplies such as custom crutches, a wheelchair, and many braces. I decided that I more likely had 100 different medical supplies, and I didn't want to risk my health for this challenge, so medical supplies did not count.
- Heater/ fan = Not in count due to the location of my room above the garage, and only having one inside wall, my room temperature fluctuates a lot. Because of this I have a window fan for the summer and a plug in heater for the winter. I decided not to count these, because I have to have them (My room is not well insulated, and the temperature reads in the 80's in the summer and 50's in the winter). Therefore I did not list them, because I didn't feel the need to count something that is needed to be comfortable.
- The results:
- Floor sleeping
- One of the things I decided to try was floor sleeping. Many extreme minimalists who travel/move a lot do this. It is easier to move without a bed, and studies show that floor sleeping may be healthier for you. I thought it would be super uncomfortable, but with a yoga mat on the floor for padding, it's not to bad. I am excited to try It longer and see how my body reacts. So far, I have not noticed much of a difference, but plan on continuing in hopes of seeing a change.
- Physical Changes
- I eat healthier, I take the time to make a smoothie for breakfast instead of heating up Pop-Tarts, and I don't feel the need to always get the soda or chips with my meals.
- I exercise, and let me be more specific, I actually make a point to exercise. With my health conditions it takes a lot of energy and is painful to work out or go for a run, but now I feel like I have the time to do simple core strengthening exercises.
- I learned to say 'no". No to the sweater I really want but don't need. No to the the soda with my meal. Through this I am able to see just why stuff isn't so great and I no longer impulse buy clothes, pet supplies, and other things I know I don't need.
- My room is much easier to clean, and just looks cleaner because I don't have so much stuff filling every corner.
- I started out owning 1370 items, by the end of the whole process I own around 200, and have been living with 100 material items.
- Emotional Changes
- When I was at the final stages of decluttering, I had a friend over. Now I had not mentioned anything I was doing, nor did I ask her opinion. But the second she walked in my room and looked around she told me " Your room is just so calm and peaceful". I think that shows that there Is a link between physical clutter and emotional clutter. The only thing I had done to my room was declutter, yet it was enough to make my friend feel at peace in the space.
- I'm not as restless. Before taking this challenge I would always want to go somewhere or do something. It was a daily thing. I'd get home from school and want to go do something. But now I don't feel that need, I can go a week without leaving the house, unless for school and be okay. I can relax and not feel the need to waste time at some store looking for something I don't plan to buy or use.
- I have more time to myself and my pets. Before decluttering, I spent all my time on the internet, or watching TV, or cleaning. But now, I don't avoid my room, and I have more time to spend giving my pets quality care and more time to take care of my own physical and mental needs.
- I never spend hours on end trying to figure out what to wear. This may seem surprising, considering I own almost no clothes (See list below for exact list of things I now own), but the items of clothing I do own are all neutral colors. Therefore, everything matches, so I no longer have to put outfits together.
- I don't feel as stressed. As I got rid of stuff, It felt like a weight lifted of my shoulders. I don't feel the need to constantly clean up, or spend as much time trying to find things lost in the hoards of stuff I owned.
- I am not as anxious. I have struggled with anxiety since I was a child, and although I still have anxiety, it is not as bad as it was just a few months ago. I truly believe getting rid of my physical clutter helped my mind calm down.
- Spiritual Changes
- After decluttering, my mind is at peace and I am not so anxious, and this has helped in other areas. I have the time and actually want to spend time doing things like sitting outside, or mediation, or spending time reading the Bible and praying. With minimalism comes other mini challenges, like trying to single task. These things really help rejuvenate the mind and just calm you down. So I spend time just sitting on the porch, enjoying the breeze and birds chirping, instead of watching TV. I spend time reading the Bible and renewing my relationship with God. And I have tried meditation, which calms a person down and really gives their brain a break from the demands of life.
- Floor sleeping
- Future plans:
- I want to continue. I want to live with 100 items and keep working at the extra things stored in my closet. Decluttering has become addictive and a little bit of a competition with myself. And the funny thing is, even though I got rid of 90% of the things I owned, I have not missed anything. Not one Item. I truly believe I was drowning in my stuff, and by learning to let go of my stuff, I was able to clear my mind as well.
* Konmari method: This is a method of cleaning Mari Condo created, this method involves you holding each item in your hand. If it sparks joy, or is useful you keep it, if not you other get rid of it, or throw it away.
Everything I Own:
Disclaimer: This is everything I lived with during this challenge. My final count was 100 items.
- Clothing:
- 5 pairs of shoes
- 8 tops
- 3 pairs of Jeans
- 4 jackets
- 2 swim suites
- 2 pairs of sweatpants
- 1 pair of gym shorts
- 5 pairs of socks
- 12 undergarments
- Toiletries
- shampoo
- razer
- toothbrush and toothpaste
- deoderent
- water bottle (used to style hair)
- comb
- nail clippers
- concealer
- eyebrow brush
- makeup bag
- practical items
- backpack
- daypack
- shoulder bag
- 2 pens
- pencil
- pencil case
- binder
- folder
- computer + charger + mouse
- phone + charger
- headphones
- wallet
- furniture and bedding
- desk
- chair
- 2 animal shelves
- pillow
- blanket
- comforter set
- yoga mat (bed)
- Bed side items
- wooden box (storage)
- rubix cube
- scissors
- 2 chapstick
- retainer + case
- Jewelry
- 10 earings
- necklace
- decorative bowl (storage)
- Other
- trash can
- important papers
- sentimental box (see above)
- christmas lights
- coin jar
TOTAL: 100 Items